Lade Veranstaltungen

International Criminal Law: Challenges and and Highlights

This year’s program features exciting speeches and practitioners reports concerning war crimes in Ukraine, a plea for the strengthening of the ICC, the defense of potential Russian suspects from war crimes, the Special Criminal Court (SCC) in the Central African Republic – to only name a few. Have a look at the full program down below!

The event will be moderated by Natalie von Wistinghausen, President of the ICDL, and Mayeul Hiéramente, Vice President of the ICDL.

We would love to have you there. If you´re interested submit your registration for the Annual Meeting as shown down below.

International Criminal Defence Lawyers Association
in cooperation with:
Vereinigung Berliner Strafverteidiger*innen e.V. (Berlin Association of Criminal Lawyers), DAV ARGE Strafrecht (German Bar Association; Criminal Law Section) and RAK Berlin (Berlin Bar Assocation)

Moderators: Natalie von Wistinghausen, President ICDL, Mayeul Hiéramente, Vice President ICDL
09:00 – 09:30 h
Opening Address
09:30 – 10:30 h
“An overview – The prosecution of crimes committed during the war in Ukraine. What are the possible avenues at the ICC, before Ukrainian courts and through universal jurisdiction before other national courts? Do we need a Special Court (for the crime of aggression)?”
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Claus Kreß, University of Cologne, Cologne

10:30 – 11:00 h Coffee break

11:00 – 12:00 h
“The defense of potential Russian suspects from crimes allegedly committed in Ukraine – best approaches and expected challenges”
Mylène Dimitri, Lead Counsel for Alfred Yekatom (CAR), ICC, The Hague
12:00 – 13:00 h
“Developments in environmental and climate litigation”
Maud Sarliève, International Legal Expert, Formerly ECCC and STL, Versailles/Kyiv

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch (included in the registration fee)

14:00 – 15:00 h
“The Special Criminal Court (SCC) in the Central African Republic – a good example of a so called „hybrid court“?”
Stefan Waespi, Juge d’instruction at the SCC, Bangui
Practioners’ Reports
15:00 – 16:00 h
“The Lafarge case in France – charges brought against cement giant Lafarge for complicity in crimes against humanity in Syria’s civil war”
Luke Vidal, Sygna Partner, Paris

16:00 – 16:30 h Coffee break

16:30 – 17:15 h
” The Anwar R. case before the Higher Regional Court of Koblenz – the first conviction of a former member of the Syrian regime. A “success story”? Lessons learned?”
Luna Watfa, Journalist, Koblenz
17:15 – 18:00 h
“First conviction worldwide for the genocide of the Yazidi before the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt” Natalie von Wistinghausen, attorney, Berlin/The Hague
18:30 – 19:30 h
Reception at the Hotel InterContinental
Approx. 20:30 h
Joint Dinner (not included in registration fee)


Program download

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