
Dr. Anna Oehmichen

  • Founder of Oehmichen International
  • Former partner at the law firm Knierim & Kollegen, specialising in commercial and tax criminal law
  • Admitted to the German bar since 2011, admitted to the bars of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, The Hague, since 2020
  • Lecturer at the Justus Liebig University of Gießen
  • Languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Dutch
Fields of Law2023-03-28T10:06:39+02:00

As a former partner at the renowned law firm Knierim & Kollegen in Mainz, which specialises in commercial and tax criminal law, Dr. Anna Oehmichen can look back on 10 years of experience in white-collar criminal law practice. She has increasingly specialised in international and European cases and has acquired particular expertise in this area.

Anna has relevant cross-industry experience in criminal proceedings, compliance and preventive advice to board members and managers in the automotive industry, mechanical engineering, retail, the oil and gas industry, the service sector, gastronomy and the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Due to her international commitment and language skills, she also regularly advises on extradition and international mutual legal assistance matters, e.g. defending against a European Arrest Warrant or an Interpol Red Notice, as well as on foreign trade and sanctions law. Anna is also involved in international Criminal Law mandates and is currently representing injured parties in the world’s first trial against secret service employees of the Syrian regime before the Koblenz Higher Regional Court.

Before practising law, and after her law studies at the Universities of Trier (Germany) and Alcalá de Henares (Spain), Anna completed her doctorate in international comparative criminal law on anti-terrorism legislation at Leiden University in the Netherlands. She completed a legal clerkship at the International Criminal Court and a traineeship at Europol in The Hague. She spent her postgraduate legal traineeship at a Belgian criminal defence law firm, an international commercial law firm and the German Foreign Office, among others. She also worked as a researcher at the Centre for Criminology (KRIMZ e.V.), the National Agency for the Prevention of Torture, and at the Chair of Economic Criminal Law of Prof. Dr. Thomas Rotsch (Justus Liebig University Gießen).


She is a member and MEP of the Criminal Law Committee as well as a member of the European Committee of the German Bar Association (DAV). At the European level, she is a member of the Criminal Law Committee of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) as well as the European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA). Internationally, she is a member of the International Criminal Defence Lawyers e.V. (ICDL) and the Association of Defence Counsel practising before the International Courts and Tribunals (ADC-ICT).


Anna has received special recognition from Legal500 Germany as well as Legal500 EMEA for her experience in cross-border matters.

Dr. Anna Oehmichen

  • Founder of Oehmichen International
  • Former partner at the law firm Knierim & Kollegen, specialising in commercial and tax criminal law
  • Admitted to the German bar since 2011, admitted to the bars of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, The Hague, since 2020
  • Lecturer at the Justus Liebig University of Gießen
  • Languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Dutch
Fields of Law2023-03-28T10:06:39+02:00

As a former partner at the renowned law firm Knierim & Kollegen in Mainz, which specialises in commercial and tax criminal law, Dr. Anna Oehmichen can look back on 10 years of experience in white-collar criminal law practice. She has increasingly specialised in international and European cases and has acquired particular expertise in this area.

Anna has relevant cross-industry experience in criminal proceedings, compliance and preventive advice to board members and managers in the automotive industry, mechanical engineering, retail, the oil and gas industry, the service sector, gastronomy and the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Due to her international commitment and language skills, she also regularly advises on extradition and international mutual legal assistance matters, e.g. defending against a European Arrest Warrant or an Interpol Red Notice, as well as on foreign trade and sanctions law. Anna is also involved in international Criminal Law mandates and is currently representing injured parties in the world’s first trial against secret service employees of the Syrian regime before the Koblenz Higher Regional Court.

Before practising law, and after her law studies at the Universities of Trier (Germany) and Alcalá de Henares (Spain), Anna completed her doctorate in international comparative criminal law on anti-terrorism legislation at Leiden University in the Netherlands. She completed a legal clerkship at the International Criminal Court and a traineeship at Europol in The Hague. She spent her postgraduate legal traineeship at a Belgian criminal defence law firm, an international commercial law firm and the German Foreign Office, among others. She also worked as a researcher at the Centre for Criminology (KRIMZ e.V.), the National Agency for the Prevention of Torture, and at the Chair of Economic Criminal Law of Prof. Dr. Thomas Rotsch (Justus Liebig University Gießen).


She is a member and MEP of the Criminal Law Committee as well as a member of the European Committee of the German Bar Association (DAV). At the European level, she is a member of the Criminal Law Committee of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) as well as the European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA). Internationally, she is a member of the International Criminal Defence Lawyers e.V. (ICDL) and the Association of Defence Counsel practising before the International Courts and Tribunals (ADC-ICT).


Anna has received special recognition from Legal500 Germany as well as Legal500 EMEA for her experience in cross-border matters.

Hugo Soares, Master of Laws
(University of Lisbon)

  • Admitted to the Brazilian Bar since 2014
  • Doctoral student in criminal law at the Humboldt University at Berlin
  • Languages: German, Portuguese, English, Spanish, French
Fields of Law2023-03-08T17:33:44+01:00
  • General Criminal Law
  • Disinformation criminal law
  • Medicine criminal law
  • Criminalisation theory

Hugo Soares completed his Bachelor’s degree at the Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil, from 2009 to 2014. In 2012, he participated in a six-month exchange at the Université Paris VIII Vincennes – Saint-Dennis. After completing his studies, Hugo Soares started a Master’s degree in Criminal Law at the Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, in 2014, graduating in 2019 with a “Very Good” grade. Since 2019, he has been pursuing a PhD in German criminal law under the chair of Prof. Dr Luís Greco, LLM, at the Humboldt University of Berlin. His doctoral thesis focuses on disinformation criminal law and the criminal liability of fake news.
In addition to his academic career, Hugo Soares gained practical experience in Brazil since 2010 at the Bahia Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Court of Appeal of the Federal Court of Bahia and the Bahia Public Defence. From 2014 to 2017, he practised as a licensed attorney at Graco & Advogados Associados law firm in Bahía, Brazil. Since November 2022, Hugo Soares has supported Oehmichen International primarily in mandates with a foreign connection. He is the contact person for Latin American clients in particular.


Sobre a vida e sobrevida da teoria do bem jurídico: reflexões em diálogo com o livro ”Ainda vive a teoria do bem jurídico?”, de Humberto Souza Santos. RICP 7, S. 190-209, 2022. Online verfügbar auf:

Vacinação compulsória? Sobre os limites da atuação do Estado no combate à COVID-19. REC 81, S. 28-60, 2021. [gemeinsam mit Siqueira]

Clemência no Tribunal do Júri? Reflexões derivadas do argumento a fortiori trazido no voto-vogal do Min. Fachin em sede do ARE 1225185, Tema/RG 1.087. RBDPP 7, S. 1513-1546, 2021. Online verfügbar auf:

Estupro, dever de comunicação às autoridades e titularidade da ação penal: reflexões derivadas da Resolução do CREMERJ n. 296/2019, que estabelece a notificação de estupros aos órgãos competentes investigativos em casos atendidos por médicos no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. In: Estellita; Siqueira (Hrsg.). Direito penal da medicina. São Paulo: Marcial Pons, 2020, S. 347-356.

O nó górdio do ato terrorista: réplica ao conceito de terrorismo proposto por Adriano Teixeira. REC 78, S. 131-156, 2020.
Sigilo de dados de geolocalização em delitos relacionados à propagação de Covid-19. JOTA, Penal em Foco, 27. April 2020. Online verfügbar auf:

O relativo e o absoluto na Teoria da Criminalização: Reflexões jurídico-penais por ocasião do livro ‘Tribos Morais’ de Joshua Greene. JOTA, Penal em Foco, 23. Oktober 2019. Online verfügbar auf:

Podem ser legítimos crimes sem referência a bens jurídico-penais? Elementos para uma teoria sentimentalista do valor jurídico-penal. RBCC 147, S. 333-374, 2018.

Alienação parental e indução de falsas memórias relativas ao sofrimento de crimes sexuais. In: Guimarães Neto; Figueiredo; Morais (Hrsg.). Estudos em Ciências Jurídico- Criminais. Lissabon: AAFDL, 2017, S. 203-231.

O tratamento penal luso-brasileiro do discurso de ódio no pós-guerra: reflexões a partir do filme Schwarzfahrer. In: Silva; Santos; Bernardo (Hrsg.). Anais do II Congresso Luso-Brasileiro do NELB. Brasília: Vestnik, 2015, S. 357-376. [gemeinsam mit Costa und Guimarães Neto]

A responsabilidade estatal pelo racismo ambiental: a busca por uma justiça ambiental como equidade. Revista do CEPEJ 14, S. 59-77, 2013. [gemeinsam mit Almeida, Cunha, Fonseca, Lima und Prado Júnior]

A Terceira Geração da Proteção aos Dados Pessoais: A Emergência do Direito à ‘Reciprocidade das Vantagens’ e seus Reflexos no Acesso aos Bancos de Dados. In: Silva; Oliveira. (Hrsg.). Arquivos de consumo: uma análise crítica do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro em comparação com as comunidades econômicas internacionais. Salvador: Paginae, 2013, S. 259-270.


Zu deontologischen Beschränkungen strafrechtlicher Bekämpfung von Fake News. 9. Symposium des Jungen Strafrechts – Strafrecht und Demokratie. Universität Zürich, Schweiz, 10. September 2022.

The spread of fake news by social bots. International Conference on Autonomous Systems and the Law. Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, 20. April 2022.

Aproximações iniciais à criminalização das fake news. XXI Semana Jurídica (Online). Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, Brasilien, 24. November 2021.

Clemência no Tribunal do Júri? Reflexões derivadas do argumento a fortiori trazido no voto-vogal do Min. Fachin em sede do ARE 1225185, Tema/RG 1.087. II Seminário de Divulgação Científica RBDPP (Online). 05. November 2021.

Vacinação compulsória contra a COVID-19. Ciclo de Debates do GEPP (Online). Universidade Mackenzie, Campinas, Brasilien, 06. Mai 2021.

Hugo Soares, Master of Laws
(University of Lisbon)

  • Admitted to the Brazilian Bar since 2014
  • Doctoral student in criminal law at the Humboldt University at Berlin
  • Languages: German, Portuguese, English, Spanish, French
Fields of Law2023-03-08T17:33:44+01:00
  • General Criminal Law
  • Disinformation criminal law
  • Medicine criminal law
  • Criminalisation theory

Hugo Soares completed his Bachelor’s degree at the Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil, from 2009 to 2014. In 2012, he participated in a six-month exchange at the Université Paris VIII Vincennes – Saint-Dennis. After completing his studies, Hugo Soares started a Master’s degree in Criminal Law at the Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, in 2014, graduating in 2019 with a “Very Good” grade. Since 2019, he has been pursuing a PhD in German criminal law under the chair of Prof. Dr Luís Greco, LLM, at the Humboldt University of Berlin. His doctoral thesis focuses on disinformation criminal law and the criminal liability of fake news.
In addition to his academic career, Hugo Soares gained practical experience in Brazil since 2010 at the Bahia Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Court of Appeal of the Federal Court of Bahia and the Bahia Public Defence. From 2014 to 2017, he practised as a licensed attorney at Graco & Advogados Associados law firm in Bahía, Brazil. Since November 2022, Hugo Soares has supported Oehmichen International primarily in mandates with a foreign connection. He is the contact person for Latin American clients in particular.


Sobre a vida e sobrevida da teoria do bem jurídico: reflexões em diálogo com o livro ”Ainda vive a teoria do bem jurídico?”, de Humberto Souza Santos. RICP 7, S. 190-209, 2022. Online verfügbar auf:

Vacinação compulsória? Sobre os limites da atuação do Estado no combate à COVID-19. REC 81, S. 28-60, 2021. [gemeinsam mit Siqueira]

Clemência no Tribunal do Júri? Reflexões derivadas do argumento a fortiori trazido no voto-vogal do Min. Fachin em sede do ARE 1225185, Tema/RG 1.087. RBDPP 7, S. 1513-1546, 2021. Online verfügbar auf:

Estupro, dever de comunicação às autoridades e titularidade da ação penal: reflexões derivadas da Resolução do CREMERJ n. 296/2019, que estabelece a notificação de estupros aos órgãos competentes investigativos em casos atendidos por médicos no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. In: Estellita; Siqueira (Hrsg.). Direito penal da medicina. São Paulo: Marcial Pons, 2020, S. 347-356.

O nó górdio do ato terrorista: réplica ao conceito de terrorismo proposto por Adriano Teixeira. REC 78, S. 131-156, 2020.
Sigilo de dados de geolocalização em delitos relacionados à propagação de Covid-19. JOTA, Penal em Foco, 27. April 2020. Online verfügbar auf:

O relativo e o absoluto na Teoria da Criminalização: Reflexões jurídico-penais por ocasião do livro ‘Tribos Morais’ de Joshua Greene. JOTA, Penal em Foco, 23. Oktober 2019. Online verfügbar auf:

Podem ser legítimos crimes sem referência a bens jurídico-penais? Elementos para uma teoria sentimentalista do valor jurídico-penal. RBCC 147, S. 333-374, 2018.

Alienação parental e indução de falsas memórias relativas ao sofrimento de crimes sexuais. In: Guimarães Neto; Figueiredo; Morais (Hrsg.). Estudos em Ciências Jurídico- Criminais. Lissabon: AAFDL, 2017, S. 203-231.

O tratamento penal luso-brasileiro do discurso de ódio no pós-guerra: reflexões a partir do filme Schwarzfahrer. In: Silva; Santos; Bernardo (Hrsg.). Anais do II Congresso Luso-Brasileiro do NELB. Brasília: Vestnik, 2015, S. 357-376. [gemeinsam mit Costa und Guimarães Neto]

A responsabilidade estatal pelo racismo ambiental: a busca por uma justiça ambiental como equidade. Revista do CEPEJ 14, S. 59-77, 2013. [gemeinsam mit Almeida, Cunha, Fonseca, Lima und Prado Júnior]

A Terceira Geração da Proteção aos Dados Pessoais: A Emergência do Direito à ‘Reciprocidade das Vantagens’ e seus Reflexos no Acesso aos Bancos de Dados. In: Silva; Oliveira. (Hrsg.). Arquivos de consumo: uma análise crítica do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro em comparação com as comunidades econômicas internacionais. Salvador: Paginae, 2013, S. 259-270.


Zu deontologischen Beschränkungen strafrechtlicher Bekämpfung von Fake News. 9. Symposium des Jungen Strafrechts – Strafrecht und Demokratie. Universität Zürich, Schweiz, 10. September 2022.

The spread of fake news by social bots. International Conference on Autonomous Systems and the Law. Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, 20. April 2022.

Aproximações iniciais à criminalização das fake news. XXI Semana Jurídica (Online). Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, Brasilien, 24. November 2021.

Clemência no Tribunal do Júri? Reflexões derivadas do argumento a fortiori trazido no voto-vogal do Min. Fachin em sede do ARE 1225185, Tema/RG 1.087. II Seminário de Divulgação Científica RBDPP (Online). 05. November 2021.

Vacinação compulsória contra a COVID-19. Ciclo de Debates do GEPP (Online). Universidade Mackenzie, Campinas, Brasilien, 06. Mai 2021.

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